09:00 02.06.2020 to 16:00 05.06.2020, in connection with the repair works of the heat networks in St. IAPS in the service route network the following changes are made.
The buses of routes №№ 4, 10, 17 when moving in the direction of the neighborhood "Albrechtova" will follow under the scheme: PL. Kirova – Kirov St. – guerrilla – SDI. When moving from the neighborhood "Albrechtova" according to the scheme: SDI – Marx – Kirov and further on a route. Excluded from service halts "Polessky state University" in both directions, entered O. p. "Concert hall".
Suburban buses gorodischenskaya direction will follow under the scheme: Kirov – Pushkin – SDI and back to the selection of passengers at bus stops according to schedule.
We apologize for the inconvenience.