In accordance with the decision of the Brest regional Executive Committee № 713 from 03.12.2019 with 11.12.2019 established the following tariffs for urban and suburban transport of passengers in the regular message:
- buses regular city routes – at a rate of 0.60 Belarusian rubles per trip;
- the Express buses urban routes – in the amount of 0.70 Belarusian rubles per trip;
- in ordinary buses of suburban routes – 0,08 Belarusian rubles per one kilometer of travel of the passenger;
- buses high-speed commuter routes – 0,10 Belarusian rubles per one kilometer of travel of the passenger;
- the Express buses are suburban routes – 0,11 Belarusian rubles per one kilometer of travel of the passenger;
In urban communication, the cost of transportation of one piece of hand Luggage in excess of will be:
- buses regular urban routes to 0.60 of the Belarusian ruble;
- buses rapid city routes – 0,70 Belarusian ruble.
Suburban transportation cost of Luggage and (or) hand Luggage is (per kilometer of transportation):
- for each small piece of Luggage and (or) hand Luggage – 0,005 of the Belarusian ruble;
- for each srednemirovoj place – of 0.01 of the Belarusian ruble;
- for every large place to 0.02 ruble.
The cost of a monthly ticket reusable in Pinsk – 26,28 of the Belarusian ruble.