departure_board Городские маршруты
г. Пинск, ул. Брестская 111
Режим работы:
с 8.00 - 13.00 14.00 - 17.00 Пн-Пт

With 30.08.2019 in service of the urban route network changes.

28 august 2019, 23:22 Новости Просмотров: 2851

In order to improve the quality of passenger service with 30.08.2019 in connection with the beginning of the academic year in services to the urban route network

the following changes are made:

- canceled the service of a route № 39;

- resumes service routes # 19 and 33 with the restoration of the former traffic patterns of these routes;

- recover in full all cancelled flights on routes No. 27, 44 and partially cancelled flights on the route 24;

- restored the scheme of movement of routes № 34 and 43 (starting and ending point of routes DP "Central hospital"), with the simultaneous abolition of existing routes 34 and 43 A;

- the schedule of movement of buses of a route № 4 small changes are made.

Please note that the new schedule will be posted at bus stops 28 and 29 August 2019.

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