In connection with the production of works on construction of the reservoir and the closure to traffic of the street 60 years of October on a site from crossing with street of Brest to the intersection with Puchkova 09:00 28.01.2020 presumably to 30.06.2020 in the order of service to the urban route network the following changes are made.
- Buses of route No. 23A after the departure from the neighborhood, "West" in the direction of the Rowing base will pass according to the scheme: Brest – Extreme – Puchkov – 60 years of October and further on a route. Movement in the opposite direction – the opposite way.
ATTENTION! Arrival time at the Rowing base remained unchanged, respectively, with respect to time of traffic on the detour, the time of departure from stopover sites in the direction of the Rowing base has shifted to 7 minutes early!
The route introduces additional stopping points "JSC "Pinsk bus Park", "Street Extreme", "building materials Shop" in each direction.
- In connection with the change in the scheme of movement of buses on route 23A, changes the schedule of movement of buses on route No. 23.
- Buses of routes №№ 24, 24A will not move on the plot of 60 years of October – the speaker. The movement will be carried out according to the scheme: Brest – Extreme and further along the route. Movement in the opposite direction – the opposite way.
ATTENTION! The trails are excluded from maintenance stopping points "Shop" in each of the directions imposes additional stopping points "JSC "Pinsk bus fleet" in each of the directions.
We apologize for the inconvenience.